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Showing posts from September, 2018

Rebranding Digital as an Asset

What's the first word you think of when trying to describe digital communications and marketing? Y ou may think of some of the different channels featured in the image above, or think of it as a highly skilled field which requires extensive knowledge of how to market to consumers online. What if we thought of digital communications and marketing as an asset? T he definition of an asset is something that is useful or valuable to a firm. With that being said, a company's digital presence should be seen as a resource for its stakeholders. Stakeholders could mean anyone who has anything to gain or lose from a company, including its customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers, etc. Companies in today's day and age shouldn't think of digital as only a marketing tool. It's more than that. During a lecture presented by Peter Dannenfelser, he mentioned that he wanted to bring value to his company by having their digital presence serve as a resource more than any
Rules of Engagement: The Do's and Don'ts Most companies engage their consumers via some form of social media, where this involves responding back to tweets or sharing content on Facebook. Being cautious with the content your company posts is vital, as there are many times businesses have failed to abide by the social media rules of engagement. So, what are the "Do's and Don'ts" companies should keep in mind when promoting their brand digitally? 1. Be Transparent  Let consumers know what your brand stands for, be honest about your philosophy, and who you are working with/the relationships you hold.   DO: Follow SouthWest's "Transfarency" Campaign- Southwest aimed to create a sense of trust between its customers by launching this campaign. Its goal is to show consumers that they will be treated with honesty and low fares. By showing that it has no hidden fees and comparing it to other airlines, consumers will feel that Southwest is trus