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Rules of Engagement: The Do's and Don'ts

Most companies engage their consumers via some form of social media, where this involves responding back to tweets or sharing content on Facebook.

Being cautious with the content your company posts is vital, as there are many times businesses have failed to abide by the social media rules of engagement.

So, what are the "Do's and Don'ts" companies should keep in mind when promoting their brand digitally?

1. Be Transparent 

Let consumers know what your brand stands for, be honest about your philosophy, and who you are working with/the relationships you hold.  

DO: Follow SouthWest's "Transfarency" Campaign- Southwest aimed to create a sense of trust between its customers by launching this campaign. Its goal is to show consumers that they will be treated with honesty and low fares. By showing that it has no hidden fees and comparing it to other airlines, consumers will feel that Southwest is trustworthy in the way it runs its operations.

The full campaign can be seen here below:

2. Understand Your Audience

Know what your audience expects from your brand and stay within that realm. 

DON'T: The brand free people recently tried to launch a fitness line to dancers and posted an ad with a ballerina wearing the clothing while performing. The woman performing was not a trained ballerina, however, and the company received plenty of criticism as dancers felt offended.

The video can be seen below:

Take note of the comments, which show dancers finding this advertisement disrespectful and tasteless.

3. Provide Meaningful Content

DO: Apple gives a great example of how to provide meaningful content, with all its commercial for its products showing how they can be used and in what situations. It shows off the technology while still showing the beauty and practicality of the product.

This page shows off the product and provides short, descriptive films.

4. Be Open and Authentic

DO: In recent years, Dove has focused on creating body positivity through its marketing strategy. Dove is a company that remains authentic about how women should view themselves against the typical standards of the beauty industry. Its "Real Beauty Sketches" campaign can be seen below, where real women describe themselves to a forensic artist.

5. Exhibit Integrity

DON'T: Pepsi has had its fair share of controversy with some of its ad. Most recently, Pepsi received heavy criticism in its commercial with Kendall Jenner drew heavy parallels to the "Black Lives Matter" movement. Pepsi ended up pulling the commercial due to the backlash. It now serves as an example of marketing campaigns that haven't held integrity.

6. Demonstrate Commitment

DO: Toms Shoes donate one pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair of shoes that a consumer buys. To this date, Toms has donated over 400,000 shoes to children all over the globe. Thus, consumers continue to buy the shoe as they feel that the company actually exhibits a commitment to its mission to donate a shoe for every shoe bought.

7. Move Rapidly

DO: Wendy's twitter is known for responding directly to its customers and critics with a sarcastic tone that doesn't really hold back. Wendy's also uses Twitter to quickly address concerns and comments.


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